Heineken 5L Keg

Bière, 5,0 L

Pays : Pays-Bas (Hollande)
Producteur :Molson Breweries
Site web :www.heineken.ca
Alcool : 5 %
Cépage(s) :Lager européenne
Style : Légère Et Houblonnée

Note de dégustation

Robe or pâle. Nez légèrement parfumé, avec quelques notes de houblon. Saveurs de grain tendre. Finale délicatement amère.

Note de dégustation (anglais)

Heineken is a full-bodied premium lager that has remained true to its original family recipe since 1886. Heineken is brewed from the finest of natural ingredients: water, malted barley and hops, and a unique strain of yeast and is imported directly from Amsterdam. This revolutionary 5L keg lets the consumer serve high quality draft lager with an easy to install tap and presserized system.
Alcool NB Liquor
Heineken, brewed in Holland according to the original recipe since 1886, has a distinctive flavour that offers a refreshing European taste, making it a favourite all over the world. The original proprietary A-yeast cell, now multiplied a trillion times over, is still used today to create Heineken's unparalleled and characteristic taste. Heineken is a full bodied premium lager with a mild bitterness making it ideal to pair with hearty stews, spicy foods, casseroles, and sushi.
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