Russian Prince

Vodka, 1,14 L

Pays : Canada
Région : Ontario
Producteur :Bacardi Canada Inc.
Site web
Alcool : 40 %
Style : Nette Et Classique
Contenant : Bouteille Pet-4 (code Recyclage 1)
Bouchon : Plastique Vissé

Note de dégustation

Robe claire et incolore; distillée et filtrée trois fois pour obtenir une saveur nette et franche.

Note de dégustation (anglais)

Triple distilled and filtered for a clean finish. Clear and colourless.
Sask Liquor
Clear colourless; triple distilled and filtered for a clean smooth flavour.
Alcool NB Liquor
Russian Prince is a high quality domestic vodka characterized by its lightweight, unbreakable bottle and unbeatable value. The name Russian Prince, honors the legacy of Russia's vodka heritage. Tasting Note: Russian Prince is triple distilled and triple filtered for purity, clarity, and smoothness.
Liquor Marts
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